We have an exclusive interview in this weeks The Read, about the process of publishing Mrs. Mo's Monster between first-time author Paul Beavis, speaking with Julia Marshall, who has never before published a first-time author. To celebrate this, we are giving away a signed hardback edition of Mrs. Mo's Monster.
One day there was a knock at the front door.
Mr. Mo was gardening, so Mrs. Mo went to see who it might be...
We have an exclusive interview in this weeks The Read, about the process of publishing Mrs. Mo's Monster between first-time author Paul Beavis, speaking with Julia Marshall, who has never before published a first-time author. To celebrate this, we are giving away a signed hardback edition of Mrs. Mo's Monster.
One day there was a knock at the front door.
Mr. Mo was gardening, so Mrs. Mo went to see who it might be...
Check out www.mrsmosmonster.com, and follow the Facebook page here for more about the book and its creation.
To enter, please email info@booksellers.co.nz, with 'Mrs Mo's Monster' in the subject, and tell us what the monster is eating on the front of the book. We will draw the prize next Thursday 22 May, at 12 noon.
The winner of Gutter Black, by Dave McArtney is Gussie Fenton. It is of course an autobiography by Dave McArtney, named after his band Hello Sailor's hit song 'Gutter Black'.
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