21 June is the shortest day of the year making it the longest night. Stay in and Play for the Durex Longest Night and make the shortest day the longest night together!
Surprise your partner this Durex Longest Night with new Embrace Pleasure Gels. Create a pleasurable couples experience by enjoying the warming and tingling sensations which come together for an incredible experience.
Register below and tell us what you think would make the Durex Longest Night perfect and you could win one of the daily prizes with Jay & Flynny, plus go in the draw for the big prize… a night in a luxury suite on the Durex Longest Night.
21 June is the shortest day of the year making it the longest night. Stay in and Play for the Durex Longest Night and make the shortest day the longest night together!
Surprise your partner this Durex Longest Night with new Embrace Pleasure Gels. Create a pleasurable couples experience by enjoying the warming and tingling sensations which come together for an incredible experience.
Register below and tell us what you think would make the Durex Longest Night perfect and you could win one of the daily prizes with Jay & Flynny, plus go in the draw for the big prize… a night in a luxury suite on the Durex Longest Night.
Like Durex on Facebook, join the event and invite your partner for more chances to win Durex prize packs.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. RB, Auckland.
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