We have Walking With Dinosaurs on Blu-Ray for you to win...
To be in to win simply answer this question...
Who was the protector of the herd? (Clue watch the trailer for answer)
We have Walking With Dinosaurs on Blu-Ray for you to win...
To be in to win simply answer this question...
Who was the protector of the herd? (Clue watch the trailer for answer)
Email your answer with your contact details to win@bigscreennz.com by Wednesday the 28th of May 2014. (Please put "Walking with dinosaurs" in the subject line)
The Premise
Set 70 million years ago, our story follows Pachimou, the smallest in his family. On his path to adulthood, Pachimou must survive a wild, unpredictable world and the most ferocious predators. When his father is killed, young Pachimou, older brother Scowler and female friend Juniper are separated from the herd during the great migration searching for their families. The trio face many hair-raising but humorous adventures and Pachimou begins to discover his immense courage…
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