Thor: The Dark World is the this post-Avengers sequel that sees the mighty Thor battle to save Earth and all the nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that pre-dates the universe itself. Chris Hemsworth returns to the hammer, alongside Tom Hiddleston's Loki, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins and Idris Elba under new director Alan Taylor (TV's Game of Thrones).
"A breakneck sequel that's never dark for long." - TOTAL FILM
Because the will of Odin demands it, we're giving away a bunch of copies of Thor: The Dark World on Blu-ray. Answer the question below correctly and you're in the draw!
Thor: The Dark World is the this post-Avengers sequel that sees the mighty Thor battle to save Earth and all the nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that pre-dates the universe itself. Chris Hemsworth returns to the hammer, alongside Tom Hiddleston's Loki, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins and Idris Elba under new director Alan Taylor (TV's Game of Thrones).
"A breakneck sequel that's never dark for long." - TOTAL FILM
Because the will of Odin demands it, we're giving away a bunch of copies of Thor: The Dark World on Blu-ray. Answer the question below correctly and you're in the draw!
Available on DVD and Blu-ray Wednesday, March 5
Entries close Thursday, March 6
Rated M (violence)
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