Win Star Wars Rebels S1 TVNZ

Star Wars Rebels is an animated television series set five years before the events of the Star Wars original trilogy, during the time frame between the films Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
The series follows a motley group of rebels who live aboard the starship Ghost as they fight against the evil Galactic Empire. The rebels include Ezra Bridger, a young orphan from Lothal who learns he can use the Force; Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi who survived Order 66; Hera Syndulla, a Twi'lek pilot and veteran resistance fighter; Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian explosives expert; Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, a Lasat warrior; and the cantankerous astromech droid C1-10P, also known as Chopper. The crew will eventually help give rise to the Rebel Alliance.

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