Based on the young adult novel by Veronica Roth, of the same name, Divergent is a dystopian sci-fi, starring Shailene Woodley (The Descendants), Theo James, Kate Winslet, Maggie Q and Ashley Judd.
Divergent’s world is by five factions: Abnegation (The Selfless), Erudite (The Intelligent), Dauntless (The Brave), Amity (The Peaceful), and Candor (The Honest).
Tris learns that she is Divergent and doesn’t fit into one particular faction. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris must find out exactly what makes Divergents dangerous… before it’s too late.
Based on the young adult novel by Veronica Roth, of the same name, Divergent is a dystopian sci-fi, starring Shailene Woodley (The Descendants), Theo James, Kate Winslet, Maggie Q and Ashley Judd.
Divergent’s world is by five factions: Abnegation (The Selfless), Erudite (The Intelligent), Dauntless (The Brave), Amity (The Peaceful), and Candor (The Honest).
Tris learns that she is Divergent and doesn’t fit into one particular faction. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris must find out exactly what makes Divergents dangerous… before it’s too late.
NZ Booklovers has 5x double passes to see Divergent, in cinemas April 10th.
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