Win a copy of We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler The Coast

By the author of worldwide bestseller The Jane Austen Book Club - you can't choose your family, but they can make choices for you. Big, life-defining choices.
Rosemary's young, just at college, and she's decided not to tell anyone a thing about her family. So we're not going to tell you too much either: you'll have to find out for yourselves what it is that makes her unhappy family unlike any other. Rosemary is now an only child, but she used to have a sister the same age as her, and an older brother. Both are now gone - vanished from her life.
There's something unique about Rosemary's sister, Fern. So now she's telling her story; a looping narrative that begins towards the end, and then goes back to the beginning. Twice.
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