Win a copy of Boys Are Dogs! Creme

Middle-school boys act like wild animals! When Annabelle returns from summer camp, her life is totally different. She’s moving to a new house with her mum’s new boyfriend, and that means starting a brand-new school. Birchwood Middle School is very different from her old all-girls elementary – the boys practically run wild in the hallways. And at home, Annabelle’s new puppy is taking over the house and chewing up her clothes. But the puppy came with a training manual, so Annabelle might be able to get one thing under control. Unless… can you train a boy the way you train a dog? We have five copies of Boys Are Dogs to give away!
HOW TO ENTER: Email, with your name, age and address, plus the words ‘Boys Are Dogs’ in the subject line before Sunday, March 16, 2014.

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