Win 1 of 3 new PRO PLAN BRIGHT MIND prizes Grownups NZ

Did you know that from the age of seven, your dog is considered senior? In fact, an estimated 43% of registered dog owners have a dog aged seven years or older1 and with an ageing dog population, this number is set to rise in the coming years.
Watching our furry companions forget where the ball landed in a game of fetch or sleeping all day and being less social due to lack of energy and enthusiasm can be saddening for owners. As dogs age, their cognitive function can become impaired, affecting their memory, learning and decision- making ability.
Purina PRO PLAN BRIGHT MIND has been formulated to include a special blend of botanical oil containing MCTs, shown to promote memory, attention and trainability in senior dogs. Purina PRO PLAN BRIGHT MIND also supports a strong immune system, and healthy teeth and joints, thereby helping aging dogs stay bright and active for longer.
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