Biomaxa: Win Some Sheep-Sweat! NZ Mountain Biker

 Biomaxa – Bicycle Biolubricant made here in New Zealand!
Biomaxa contains lanolin – a wax extracted from sheep’s wool. Its 100% natural and fully biodegradable. Designed to perform in both wet and dry conditions, Biomaxa penetrates deep into the chain for smooth efficient operation and enhanced life.
It’s been widely tested throughout New Zealand on and off road. From the dusty dry of a kiwi summer to submarining it along the Heaphy Track - it has outstanding longevity to keep you riding off road smoother for longer. On road testing with trade teams (doing some big k’s) through to everyday commuters battling the traffic, it just works. With an ergonomically designed bottle and a handy chain guide the lube is delivered cleanly and efficiently to where it’s needed.
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