Even in summer, pain and fever can make your child feel grizzly and grumpy: teething, earache, colds and flu, not to mention the scrapes, scratches and stings of outdoor play. So before you head away on your holiday, ask at your local pharmacy for one of our handy 100mL travel packs, so you always have Pamol® on hand to help.
Before you go, remember to download
Pamol’s Little Helper App to your smart phone. This interactive temperature checker and dose calculator means you can check the correct dose to give your child, wherever you may be.
Even in summer, pain and fever can make your child feel grizzly and grumpy: teething, earache, colds and flu, not to mention the scrapes, scratches and stings of outdoor play. So before you head away on your holiday, ask at your local pharmacy for one of our handy 100mL travel packs, so you always have Pamol® on hand to help.
Before you go, remember to download
Pamol’s Little Helper App to your smart phone. This interactive temperature checker and dose calculator means you can check the correct dose to give your child, wherever you may be.
Pamol® is only available from your pharmacy, so enter this prize draw and you could win one of two Pharmacy Gift Cards valued at $50.00 each. Just fill in the form below and you’re in to win. This competition closes on the 31st of January 2014 at 11:59pm.
PAMOL® for the treatment of child pain and fever. Pamol® contains paracetamol 250mg/5mL. Always read the label and use as directed. Incorrect use can be harmful. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. ® Registered Trademark. Aspen Pharmacare C/- Healthcare Logistics, Auckland, TAPS PP4533.